September 6, 2010

Love, Like Water

Tumbling from some far-flung cloud
into your bathroom alone, to sleeve
a toe, five toes, a metatarsal arch,
it does its best to feign indifference
to the body, but will go on creeping
up to the neck till it's reading the skin 
like braille, though you're certain it sees
under the surface of things and knows 
the routes your nerves take as they branch
from the mind, which lately has been curling
in on itself like the spine of a dog
as its circles a patch of ground to sleep.
Now through the dappled window,
propped open slightly for the heat,
a light rain is composing
the lake it falls into, the way a lover's hand
composes the body it touches - Love,
like water! How it gives and gives,
wearing the deapest of grooves in our sides
and filling them up again, ever so gently
wounding us, making us whole.

Julia Copus

July 16, 2010

Hymn to All the Men I'll Never Love

My heart, sing praises to the men
I'll never love; from whom a night
away's just that — a night — and not
a lifetime in the desert without food
and water. It's because of them
that breakfasts can be eaten, Lord, appointments 
kept, and letters left to lie 
where they have fallen; men with whom
a perfect evening may be nothing more
than beer and cards outside beneath the lean-to
where straight-talk and easy gestures leave
dark nests of sparrows and the scent
of bonfires in their wake; the sort of men
whose smiles I can endure without
surrendering my all to them;
in whose unswerving disregard,
let heaven rejoice, let the earth be glad.
                                                                           Julia Copus